Spring time at the Tom Eddy Ranch abounds with activity.

Columns of morning fog stretch from expansive blue skies to the dew-moistened grasses. Coyotes stalk the turkeys who rummage for insects and worms, enriching the environment and promoting vigor. Flourishing green growth hides wild foxes as they parole the premises while a family of deer traverse the ranch protecting their newborn foals. Butterflies, hummingbirds and honeybees flit about the explosion of wildflowers that spread across the hilly landscape in a stunning display while new buds form on Kerry’s Vineyard, beckoning the Spring sun to invigorate and promulgate photosynthesis. Every drop of sunlight that kisses the new leaves, activates the machinery of nature and brings us one step closer to the creation of Cabernet grapes and the beginning of a new vintage.

Clearly, the Eddy Ranch represents a complex biome loaded with essential elements that co-exist and promote a healthy life cycle. The rich and tasty wines of Tom Eddy Winery and indeed all of Napa and the world for that matter, require that all life in the ecosystem be balanced within itself. There can be no delicious wine, delicious food or visually stunning environments to enjoy if this delicate balance is disrupted.  These may seem like lofty concepts when you’re purchasing that bottle out of your local grocery store but for the Eddy Ranch in the Napa Valley, it is a testament to an ecosystem with a perfect balance of flora and fauna all of which are essential to a healthy seasonal cycle. And a healthy lifestyle we all love and want to see flourish to the benefit of our own lives and for all future generations to appreciate, ad infinitum.

      Jason Gerard
      Assistant Winemaker